Tips on how to fast properly during Ramadan so as not to harm your health

Each religion professes its own spiritual values. Significant holidays are celebrated, fasts are observed. The most important holiday in Islam is Ramadan.

It is celebrated on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

If you study the details on the, you can find out that this holiday is sacred for all Muslim people. During this period, believers indulge in prayers, engage in self-reflection and fast from sunrise to sunset.

This is not simple fasting. During this period, there is not just a refusal of food, water and physical needs, this is a path of self-improvement, self-discipline and control. Some perceive this as an act of sacrifice, others as charity or generosity towards their compatriots.

During Ramadan, during daylight hours, Muslims abstain from physical needs: eating, drinking, smoking, drinking alcohol and intimacy. This period is dedicated to prayers, reading and rethinking the Koran, providing charitable assistance to those in need.

During Ramadan, there is a purification of the mind, a rethinking of life and one’s actions in relation to others, a desire to become closer to Allah, to allow faith to grow stronger and be renewed in the consciousness of every Muslim.

Tips on how to fast correctly in Ramadan so as not to harm your health

When starting the fast on this great holiday, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of people who adhere to this ancient tradition every year so as not to worsen your health:

  • special attention should be paid to water consumption, include more vegetables and fruits with a high water content in the diet: cucumbers, oranges, watermelons, spinach, strawberries, etc. Do not refuse soups and broths;
  • eat foods with a high content of vitamins and minerals: vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, whole grains and lean proteins;
  • give up fried and salty foods, sweets, since these products do not have the nutritional value that is necessary during fasting;
  • avoid overeating. Eat slowly, consume natural sugars found in dates and honey;
  • consume fiber found in cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Eat complex carbohydrates.

In order not to harm your health with forced fasting, you need to stick to a healthy diet, not overeat, drink enough water and sleep at least 7-9 hours a day.

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